포커친구 - 텍사스홀덤 오마하 포커 자유게시판

포커친구 - 택사스홀덤 오마하 홀덤 포커 이야기 외 잡담 수다 자유게시판

풀팟 오마하 캐호구시키

2019.07.27 18:56

태머리 Views:25129


AA Poker #105531088 Omaha Pot Limit ( 250 / 500 ) - 2019/07/27 18:53:53 KST

Table '[No. 835]' 6-max Seat 4 is the button

Seat 2: ppdds ( 25,000 in chips)

Seat 3: LeonLai ( 22,550 in chips)

Seat 4: Wpac ( 69,316.48 in chips)

Seat 5: jung2002 ( 76,527.63 in chips)

Seat 6: Someday ( 50,000 in chips)

jung2002: posts small blind 250

Someday: posts big blind 500

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to LeonLai [7s 9h Th Jh]

ppdds: calls 500

LeonLai: calls 500

Wpac: folds

jung2002: calls 250

Someday has timed out

Someday: checks

*** FLOP *** [2c Js 7h] (Total Pot: 1,900 4 Players)

jung2002: checks

Someday: checks

ppdds: checks

LeonLai: bets 1,254

jung2002: folds

Someday: folds

Someday is sitting out

ppdds: calls 1,254

*** TURN *** [2c Js 7h] [4d] (Total Pot: 4,282.6 2 Players)

ppdds: checks

LeonLai: bets 2,826.51

ppdds: calls 2,826.51

*** RIVER *** [2c Js 7h 4d] [5h] (Total Pot: 9,652.98 2 Players)

ppdds: checks

LeonLai: checks

*** SHOW DOWN ***

ppdds: shows [5s 6c Ac 5d]5 Three of a Kind)

LeonLai: shows [7s 9h Th Jh]J,7 Two Pairs)

ppdds collected 9,652.98 from pot

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot 9,652.98

Board:[2c Js 7h 4d 5h]

Seat 2:ppdds showed [5s 6c Ac 5d] and won(9,652.98) with 5 Three of a Kind

Seat 3:LeonLai showed [7s 9h Th Jh] and lost with J,7 Two Pairs

Seat 4:Wpac (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

Seat 5:jung2002 (small blind) folded on the Flop

Seat 6:Someday (big blind) folded on the Flop

그걸 턴에도 쫓아와서 띄우네 실버벨같은시키

텍사스홀덤 포커 커뮤니티 포커친구 https://pokerchingu.com

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