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토너는 이런 게 참 짜증납니다...

2016.05.24 05:15

임전무패 Views:27148

Poker Stars $50+$50+$9 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t500/t1000 Blinds + t125 - 9 players - View hand 2916893
DeucesCracked Poker Videos Hand History Converter

BB: t14543 M = 5.54
Hero (UTG): t10266 M = 3.91
UTG+1: t30545 M = 11.64
UTG+2: t37684 M = 14.36
MP1: t89660 M = 34.16
MP2: t13480 M = 5.14
CO: t30348 M = 11.56
BTN: t24986 M = 9.52
SB: t9010 M = 3.43

Pre Flop: (t2625) Hero is UTG with Tof clubs Tof hearts
Hero raises to t3000, 7 folds, BB raises to t14418 all in, Hero calls t7141 all in

Flop: (t21907) 7of clubs 5of diamonds Kof diamonds(2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t21907) 8of hearts(2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t21907) Aof spades(2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t21907
BB shows 7of spades 7of hearts (three of a kind, Sevens)
Hero shows Tof clubs Tof hearts (a pair of Tens)
BB wins t21907

텍사스홀덤 포커 커뮤니티 포커친구 https://pokerchingu.com

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