
텍사스홀덤 포커 토너먼트 APL KSOP APT WFP
텍사스홀덤 포커 토너먼트 대회 EPT WPT WSOP APL WFP HCL EAPC KSOP GPT CCP PCT UPP 등 자유롭게 누구나 포스터 홍보하셔도 됩니다.

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필리핀 마닐라 APT 포커 투어 스케즐 정보 펌이예요

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The APT Philippines 2022 will run from April 27 to May 8 at the Resorts World Manila Newport Grand Wing Casino.


APT Philippines 2022

Events Buy In + Fee (PHP)

Wed, Apr. 27

13:00 Event 1: Mystery Bounty Flight A - 2 Million Guaranteed (5,000 to Bounty Pool) 15,000 1,500

17:00 Event 1: Mystery Bounty Flight B - 2 Million Guaranteed (5,000 to Bounty Pool) 15,000 1,500

18:00 Satellite 1: Main Event 5,500 500

Thu, Apr. 28

13:00 Mystery Bounty Final Day  

14:00 Event 2: High Rollers Day 1 100,000 7,500

15:00 Event 3: Head Hunter Day 1 (4,000 Bounty) 18,000 1,800

18:00 Satellite 2: Main Event - Hit and Run format 5,500 500

Fri, Apr. 29

13:00 Main Event Day 1A - 15 Million Guaranteed 50,000 5,000

13:00 Head Hunter Final Day  

13:00 High Rollers Final Day  

14:00 Event 4: Pot Limit Omaha Hi-Lo Split Day 1 15,000 1,500

15:00 Event 5: High Rollers Single Day 60,000 5,000

18:00 Satellite 3: Last Chance "1 in 5" Main Event 11,000 1,000

Sat, Apr. 30

13:00 Main Event Day 1B - 15 Million Guaranteed 50,000 5,000

13:00 Pot Limit Omaha Hi-Lo Split Final Day  

14:00 Event 6: NLH Single Day Event 15,000 1,500

18:00 Satellite 4: Championships Event 8,500 800

Sun, May 1

13:00 Main Event Day 2 - 15 Million Guaranteed (Reg Open for 1 Level) 50,000 5,000

15:00 Event 7: No Limit Hold'em Day 1 18,000 1,800

18:00 Satellite 5: Championships Event - Hit and Run format 8,500 800

Mon, May 2

13:00 Main Event Day 3 - 15 Million Guaranteed  

13:00 No Limit Hold'em #1 Final Day Final Day  

14:00 Event 8: High Rollers Day 1 100,000 7,500

15:00 Event 9: Short Deck Day 1 18,000 1,800

18:00 Satellite 6: Championships Event 8,500 800

Tue, May 3

13:00 Event 10: Pot Limit Omaha Hi Day 1 20,000 2,000

13:00 High Rollers Final Day  

13:00 Short Deck Final Day  

13:30 Main Event Final Eight - 15 Million Guaranteed  

15:00 Event 11: High Rollers Single Day 60,000 5,000

18:00 Satellite 7: Championships Event - Hit and Run format 8,500 800

Wed, May 4

13:00 Championships Event Day 1A - 8 Million Guaranteed 75,000 7,500

13:00 Pot Limit Omaha Hi Final Day  

14:00 Event 12: NLH Single Day Event 15,000 1,500

18:00 Satellite 8: Last Chance "1 in 5" Championships Event 17,000 1,600

Thu, May 5

13:00 Championships Day 1B - 8 Million Guaranteed 75,000 7,500

14:00 Event 13: Super Deep Stack Turbo 15,000 1,500

17:00 Event 14: Hyper Deep Stack Turbo 5,000 500

22:00 APT Players Party  

Fri, May 6

13:00 Championships Day 2 - 8 Million Guaranteed (Reg. Open for 1 Level) 75,000 7,500

15:00 Event 15: No Limit Hold'em Day 1 20,000 2,000

18:00 Event 16: Deep Stack Turbo 5,000 500

Sat, May 7

13:00 Championships Day 3 - 8 Million Guaranteed  

13:00 Event 17: High Rollers Day 1 100,000 7,500

13:00 No Limit Hold'em Final Day  

14:00 Event 18: Monster Stack Day 1 25,000 2,500

18:00 Event 19: Deep Stack Turbo 5,000 500

Sun, May 8

13:00 Monster Stack Final Day  

13:00 High Rollers Final Day  

13:30 Championships FINAL Eight - 8 Million Guaranteed  

14:00 Event 20: Deep Stack Hyper Turbo 5,000 500

15:00 Event 21: High Rollers Single Day 80,000 6,000

Multiple re-entries are allowed before the close of registration.


Best stack forward format:


Players that qualify to Day 2 from a previous Day 1 may re-enter a new Starting Day.

Players qualifying with multiple stacks to Day 2 will only play their largest stack. Other stacks will be removed from play.

Players are allowed to forfeit their stack before close of registration to re-enter.

Shot Clock Events:


All events will utilize the shot clock.

The Shot Clock will be introduced once the event is down to 6 tables left in play after the close of registration.

Once the Shot Clock has been introduced, remaining players receive (3) three 60-second Time Bank buttons.

Once a player starts to hesitate (est. 3 seconds), the Shot Clock will begin with an initial 30-second count down.

Once a player exhausts the initial 30-second count down, that player will immediately owe a Time Bank button and will owe another one after each 60-second countdown expires.

Remaining 8 players will receive 2 additional Time Bank button. (Does not apply to events with less than 20 players)

The Shot Clock will be paused if the Dealer needs to count out a bet of multiple chips that have multiple denominations and stacks.

A player's hand will be killed immediately after the time on the Shot Clock has expired and the player is out of Time Bank buttons.

Event Notes:


The "ANTE BB" format utilizes the ante first before big blind in the event the big blind cannot cover the full amount for the ANTE and BB.

The "ANTE BB" structure remains the same regardless number of the number of players at a table.

The starting level for the Final 8 Players will be at a minimum average stack of 30 times the Big Blind. (not applicable to Turbo events).

ALL Buy Ins and Fees are in Philippine Peso (PHP)


3% Staff Charge on all tournaments except for Super High Roller & Satellites

0.6% Staff Charge on the Super High Rollers Prize Pool after fee has been deducted

All events will be paid to the nearest 100

Minimum age limit is 21 years of age

A, B, C, D, E refers to category of event towards Player of the Series (POS).

This schedule may be updated without prior notice

APT reserves the right to cancel guarantee/s due to Force Majeure: Earthquake, Flooding and/or Typhoon




텍사스홀덤 포커 커뮤니티 포커친구 https://pokerchingu.com

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